"Story not only sticks, it mesmerizes...Good professors and statesmen know the indispensable potency of story...

"Changing​​ the brain requires the correct neurotransmitters, and those are especially in attendence when a person is curious, is predicting what will happen next and is emotionally engaged."
From "The Moral of the Story,"​​ a review of 'The Storytelling Animal' in NYT Book Review by neuroscientist David Eagleman
Storybook Hebrew’s Memory Techniques
When we smile and are delighted, the brain releases substances that help us remember. The alef bet in Storybook Hebrew promise to put a smile on your face and provide more fun in learning Hebrew letters than you ever thought possible.

Stories are powerful memory aids. That's what ​​​Former Google CIO Douglas Merrill found out in his  research at Princeton where he earned a Ph.D. in cognitive science. Merrill discovered that even those who memorize well by rote find memory work easier if they form stories with the information.

Merrill taught himself how to excel in school using his storytelling strength, according to the authors of The Dyslexic Advantage. Stories improve recall by holding your attention and connecting abstract ideas with concrete images.

Like Merrill, I also wrote stories to help me remember. To create Storybook Hebrew I applied memory techniques described in the book Moonwalking with Einstein as well as in computer programs based on neuroscience. Storybook Hebrew stories are seeded with words to help native English speakers remember the sound of the Hebrew letters, and what letter characters say and do in each story reflects their sounds and shapes.

Storybook Hebrew materials are repetitive and fun, two conditions that help us learn, according to the computer-based Brain Fitness Program designed by neuroscientist Michael Merzenich. For better remembering, it suggests you create a picture in your mind, make a phrase or story, connect to personal memories or join sounds together. All these techniques are used in Storybook Hebrew to make learning the Hebrew alphabet easier.

Retelling and rereading the stories provides repetition to reinforce memory. And drawing pictures in the coloring books helps connect the letter sound and symbol to personal experiences.

​​Also, these Jewish early childhood education materials
emphasize phonemic awareness, the foundation of good reading skills. Learning the Hebrew alphabet thoroughly before focusing on reading Hebrew words can empower Hebrew language learners by freeing up working memory so they can concentrate on blending sounds into words.

​Thanks for considering Storybook Hebrew as a way to help your children learn sounds in words and the Hebrew alphabet!​​​
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and Tell Stories
Now you can
master the Hebrew alphabet easily. Storybook Hebrew has the story you need to succeed.